martedì, marzo 25, 2008

Afternoon blog stress

Convinced about up-dating the blog…I started this afternoon with plenty energy and enthusiasm, but after more than 3 hours I was ready to crash the computer and to true it in the trashcan.

Of course that wouldn’t be so smart and, turning my back away from the “ square box “ , as I call the computer, taking some fresh air at the window, saved me and my computer from a total disaster.

It’s not so easy to do computer work with to small kids around asking your attention.

I had a chat with Fabio just to find some comfort in my frustie mood.

He advised me…not for the first time…to not public plenty photo’s.

Short messages takes just 15 minutes and publishing consequently and frequently makes working on a blog fun and means avoiding a crashed computer and a frustrated wife!!!

His words:

“ il giorno che lo capirai io sarò andato in pensione...... (rofl)”

So, better be smart and taking his advise as wise.

Lets go on….
It’s not th
e quantity, but the quality…..
Very wise words…u
sing them in a wise way,
you only a bleu sky…
