Sitting on the roof!

One day,
I will climb out of the small window beside our roof,
the little window you can see on the
Then I will say to myself:
“I’m sitting on the roof today,
All by myself,
Not saying nothing
To no one,
Yes I'm sitting on the roof today,

dear suzanne and fabio
i am loving your blog. fabio was very wise to say that you should not be on the computer for too long because it becomes too much like work!! i too have a hard time with computers as well and understand your frustration. but they are amazing things in that they allow us to see your wonderful farmhouse and all of it's progress. the views from the roof are breathtaking . i loved your 'Poem' about sitting on your roof and being there with the view. i would love to be there too and will be one day! do you feel the renovation is on schedule? are you still opening in november 2008? our plan is to visit in the spring of 2009 - is it possible? i hope so. so , keep up the good work , it's really nice to have it to look at until we can see it for ourselves. till next time,ciao for now,maureen and rafe from canada
hi suzanne, to send "a comment " to your blog is alittle confusing as the instructions are in italian. but i have tried and i am not sure you received my last one i just sent. if you could let me know if you received it then i will continue writing in the future. ciao for now ,maureen from canada
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