Dear friends!
It is three weeks since we started the preservation and restoration of our old Tuscan farm house.
Three weeks of works and the beginning of a new story is waiting to be shared with you!
Lets start with,
Once upon a time in
some men, “ Gino and Gianni “ (as I baptized them) not far away from Montepulciano, started cutting some trees that were to close to an old farmhouse.
To be honest …I was shocked that morning of the 7th of May, hearing the loud noises of chainsaws…
in a quiet place, were normally you just can hear birds, frogs, grass-hoppers and so on.
Men at work… and in a few days we had a nice pile of wood for cold winter days to warm us up… and one day… in front of the fireplace.
Diggers, dust….a lot of dust… and bricks everywhere!
Knocking down the garage!!!
Woooooooww the guys are fast….
Before knowing what was happening…there was no garage anymore!!!
Amazing how our house has changed after the demolition of that ugly garage!
The house has her original form back
Pretty !!!
Very pretty.
For those that don’t know…we will use the volume of the garage to construct further buildings as this is allowed by the law.
We need the space, so habitation space will take place of the garage.
Maybe it’s a good idéa to put the our architectural project on the blog, for those who are interested to have a look
what stage our house is at and what your B&B is going to look like in the future.
Meanwhile we started to clean the stable…
you could call it an adventure …
unbelievable how much stuff, mostly useless, has been preserved for years under an broken roof.
The scaffolding had to be assembled.
A truck with iron tubes, wooden pallets, tools and lots more stuff took possession of our front “ garden”.
A muscular man, named Lauro, stole the show jumping, hanging half in the air building the our scaffolding, very sexy!.
The two floors did not seem so high up but after the job was finished, I climbed up to enjoy the view from the roof ……interesting….was my thought…feeling a light tickle because of the height in my stomach.
During the works we have meetings with the Engineer, Architect, Site Forman etc…people who will be presented to you on pictures.
A lot of decisions have to be taken even if a work scheme, a sketch is present how to proceed with the works.
Building a house is like raising a child.
You have to be flexible, open to change to attain the best result.
There is no manual….it all depends on the individuals involved.
Next week the crane will arrive.
A flat platform has been in front of the house from cement.
Maybe its time for pictures…
Even talking and writing …pictures are what my friends need, to have a focus on our house and the work in progress.
Hoping you will enjoy them today and…
as we will enjoy your participation on our blog
during this time of restoring until ….
our B&B is ready for your visit.
We are open fto ideas and suggestions during these month’s of work to make our house
One of your favourite places to stay in
Waiting and working for you,