" Viva il blog! "
Hello everybody out there….
I don’t keep my promise as Linda said to me last weekend.
I’m not updating at all our blog!
But to night it was a joy to read the comment of our faraway supporter, Maureen.
It’s really lovely, that even if I am a disaster with this blog, that you keep the faith that one day I will be there again…
I’m wondering what to show you, because these day’s the works are almost at the end.
Well….the big jobs…now we have to go on with the final touch, so still we are far away from were we want to be.
I think we are.
Lets say that this month we have conclude exactly one year of building.
Maybe for today I should show you a picture as Before and After.
Thank you my friends, for being there with us the last year.
I hope to be with you more often…so what can I say…
I will try again!
“ Viva il blog! “