A letter to a friend!

This is a picture of our friend and neighbour which I went to see today.
I have to tell you after a happy day at the house …
I had a real sad afternoon at home.
My sister called me from Canada and she told me what happened on the airport of Vancouver.
On October 14, a man died at the Vancouver airport.
The events have only been brought to light because of video footage of the event captured by a bystander.
Feeling inside a strong sense of impotence,
watching a realty drama
unexpected on you-tube.
That’s why,
today I wish to use the media of internet asking you,
my friends,
a few minutes of silence, reflection and prayer.
Why in this world it is so difficult respecting human rights being nice one for each other?
Why it is so difficult just trying to feel compassion for somebody else?
Why it is so difficult to feel equal to each other indifferent nation or skin colour?
Why all this horror if we all could be living in peace and happiness?
Is it not a human right to see the beautiful colours of life for every human being?
If somebody would have shown some understanding to this man with dreams.
Just an arm or a smile or a glass of water ….
then all this would never been happened.
To who, to what… sense this sad story has?
This men is taken away his right to live…living his dreams,
The policemen’s maybe will cry in silence in their bed.
The people around shocked and up side down with their witnesses,
A mother who’s heart is broken and will have difficulties living Canada as before and feeling a stranger at home.
Citizen of Canada who will doubt and discuses there safety and human rights.
A world who will be confronted seeing a tragic drama on internet and television, or hear it on radio and feel sad and confused the rest of the day, because this is real life!!!!
Lets make that this man did not die for nothing!
We have to learn from this sad story to remember to be compassionated!
Lets pray sincerely for Robert Dziekanski a men with a name , a men with a dream!!!